Board of Supervisors
The Supervisors are the officials elected by you to handle the governing of Adams Township. They are responsible for having the rules and regulations that are mandated by the State and Federal governments carried out. The Board is vested with the executive and legislative powers of the Township.
One of their many duties consists of overseeing the maintenance of the Township roads. The Board manages development within the Township and in a manner that will provide for health, safety and welfare of the residents in the best possible way. There are zoning regulations, subdivision procedures, storm water management protection; all these items are regulated by enacted ordinances that follow State and Federal guidelines.
Russell R. Ford
Ronald J. Shemela
Darryl M. Brandon
Ronald G. Nacey
Meeting Minutes
Please note that the minutes from the first meeting of the month get approved at the second meeting of the month for the Board of Supervisors and will be uploaded the next day. The minutes from the second meeting of the month get approved at the first meeting the following month for the Board of Supervisors and will be uploaded the next day.