Adams Township Building

Welcome to Adams Township

Located in southern Butler County. Adams offers a rural feeling and is one of the most attractive townships in the area. The township is near shopping locations, several dining and entertainment options, recreation opportunities. The Mars Area School District provides education and serves our community.

Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance
The Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance is a grass-roots, volunteer group of individuals, groups and businesses that are concerned about issues in our local watershed that could affect water quality. 
Military Banner Program
Adams Township is proud to recognize the brave men and women who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces through the Military Banner Program. 
MS4 Stormwater Management
Reminder to Adams Township HOA Boards. The Stormwater Facility Site Inspection (MS4) form is due May 31, 2024. The form can be downloaded from Stormwater Management page.
Sign up for Township Alerts
Sign up for Adams Township alerts by visiting . You can also find the link on our announcements page or under the "HOW DO I?" drop down menu on our homepage.
Wildfire Relief Donation Drive
Adams Township is hosting a donation drive to send relief items to those affected by the California wildfires. Visit our announcement page for information about what donations we are accepting, and where they can be dropped off.
10 February 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Adams Township Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road
Mars, PA 16046 United States

Meeting begins at 7:00 P.M. Agenda  

10 February 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Adams Township Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road
Mars, PA 16046 United States

The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M., on February 10, 2025, at the Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to obtain testimony and public comment on enacting a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Amendment entitled, “An Ordinance Amending the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to Require all Lots to Have at Least Fifty (50) Foot of Frontage Along a Public Street and Allowing for Exceptions for Certain Developments.” The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will vote on adopting the SALDO at their regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M. on February 10, 2025, also held at the Municipal Building. A Summary of the Ordinance Amendments are as follows: Fifty-foot road frontage is required for all public streets, whether or not recorded. The following standards must be met for private street (subject to justification for the private street and the discretion of the Supervisors): one residential lot per acre; minimum lot size of one acre; private streets may not bisect lots; a maintenance agreement must be presented to the Township for approval; a maximum of four lots per private street; gravel or other permeable surface for the first fifty feet; maximum grade of 6% for the first twenty-five feet and thereafter a maximum grade of 15%; private street must be kept dust, mud and debris fee; snow may not be pushed onto a public street, right of way or walk; emergency vehicles must be able to traverse all streets; private streets will not be accepted for dedication until brought up to Township specifications. Copies of the full text of the Ordinance are available at the Adams Township Municipal Building during regular office hours, the Butler County Law Library (located in the Butler County Courthouse), and at this newspaper and may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge no greater than the cost thereof.  The Ordinance can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website ( Private Road Ordinance Final 12112024 The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M., on February 10, 2025, at the Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to obtain testimony and public comment on enacting an Ordinance  entitled, “An Ordinance (1) Establishing Requirements for the Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwellings; and (2) Establishing a Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Zone.” The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will vote on adopting the Ordinance at their regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M. on February 10, 2025, also held at the Municipal Building. A Summary of the Ordinance is as follows: Section I - § 134-1 through 15 are added to the Adams Township Code of Ordinances. 134-1 – Short title. 134-2 – Scope. 134-3 – Interpretation. 134-4 – Definitions. 134-5 – Code Official. 134-6 – Licensing. 134-7 – License Fee. 134-8 – License Renewal. 134-9 – Inspections. 134-10 – Marketing. 134-11 – Notice of Violation. 134-12 – Nuisance. 134-13 – Violations and Penalties. 134-14 – Owners Severally Responsible. 134-15 – Appeals. SECTION II – Chapter 192, Section 6 is amended to include a definition of Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling and a cross reference to Chapter 134.  Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling is a permitted use in the C-Commercial District, B-Business District, I-Industrial Use, 228 Overlay District and the Personal Services Overlay District.  In all other zoning districts, the Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling is a conditional use.   Copies of the full text of the Ordinance are available at the Adams Township Municipal Building during regular office hours, the Butler County Law Library (located in the Butler County Courthouse), and at this newspaper and may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge no greater than the cost thereof.  The Ordinance can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website ( Transient Dwellings Ordinance Exhibit A 01 07 2025 NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Adams Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania will hold a public hearing on the 10th day of February, 2025 at 7:00 P.M.  in the Adams Township Municipal Building located at 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The Board of Supervisors will, at its regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M., consider adopting a Resolution regarding the Application and Request of SPBW, LLC. seeking approval of an intermunicipal transfer of a Restaurant Liquor License (R- 7864) from 112 & 118-122 N. Main Street, Butler, PA 16001 to 1001 Aster Way, Mars (Adams Township), PA 16046. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive comments and recommendations of interested individuals residing within the Township concerning the applicant's intent to transfer the license into the Township and other relevant issues with regard to the proposed intermunicipal transfer of the Liquor License. A copy of the proposed Resolution that would approve the applicant’s application to transfer the liquor license as set forth above is available for inspection at no charge or copies may be made at the Township rate at the Township Municipal Building located at 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046,  from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  The Resolution can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website ( and at the offices of this newspaper. Liquor License From the City of Butler 01 15 2025 (003)         ADAMS TOWNSHIP                                                                       Michael D. Gallagher, Solicitor                                                                       Sean M. Gallagher, Solicitor                                                                                     GALLAGHER LAW GROUP                                                                       110 East Diamond Street, Suite 101                                                                       Butler, PA 16001

04 March 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Adams Township Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road
Mars, PA 16046 United States
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