
Public Hearing Notice

The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M., on February 10, 2025, at the Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to obtain testimony and public comment on enacting a Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Amendment entitled, “An Ordinance Amending the Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance to Require all Lots to Have at Least Fifty (50) Foot of Frontage Along a Public Street and Allowing for Exceptions for Certain Developments.”

The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will vote on adopting the SALDO at their regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M. on February 10, 2025, also held at the Municipal Building.

A Summary of the Ordinance Amendments are as follows:

  1. Fifty-foot road frontage is required for all public streets, whether or not recorded.
  1. The following standards must be met for private street (subject to justification for the private street and the discretion of the Supervisors): one residential lot per acre; minimum lot size of one acre; private streets may not bisect lots; a maintenance agreement must be presented to the Township for approval; a maximum of four lots per private street; gravel or other permeable surface for the first fifty feet; maximum grade of 6% for the first twenty-five feet and thereafter a maximum grade of 15%; private street must be kept dust, mud and debris fee; snow may not be pushed onto a public street, right of way or walk; emergency vehicles must be able to traverse all streets; private streets will not be accepted for dedication until brought up to Township specifications.

Copies of the full text of the Ordinance are available at the Adams Township Municipal Building during regular office hours, the Butler County Law Library (located in the Butler County Courthouse), and at this newspaper and may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge no greater than the cost thereof.  The Ordinance can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website (

Private Road Ordinance Final 12/11/2024

The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M., on February 10, 2025, at the Municipal Building, 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to obtain testimony and public comment on enacting an Ordinance  entitled, “An Ordinance (1) Establishing Requirements for the Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwellings; and (2) Establishing a Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Zone.”

The Adams Township Board of Supervisors will vote on adopting the Ordinance at their regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M. on February 10, 2025, also held at the Municipal Building.

A Summary of the Ordinance is as follows:

Section I – § 134-1 through 15 are added to the Adams Township Code of Ordinances.

  • 134-1 – Short title.
  • 134-2 – Scope.
  • 134-3 – Interpretation.
  • 134-4 – Definitions.
  • 134-5 – Code Official.
  • 134-6 – Licensing.
  • 134-7 – License Fee.
  • 134-8 – License Renewal.
  • 134-9 – Inspections.
  • 134-10 – Marketing.
  • 134-11 – Notice of Violation.
  • 134-12 – Nuisance.
  • 134-13 – Violations and Penalties.
  • 134-14 – Owners Severally Responsible.
  • 134-15 – Appeals.

SECTION II – Chapter 192, Section 6 is amended to include a definition of Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling and a cross reference to Chapter 134.  Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling is a permitted use in the C-Commercial District,
B-Business District, I-Industrial Use, 228 Overlay District and the Personal Services Overlay District.  In all other zoning districts, the Transient Dwelling Use of Single-Family Dwelling is a conditional use.

Copies of the full text of the Ordinance are available at the Adams Township Municipal Building during regular office hours, the Butler County Law Library (located in the Butler County Courthouse), and at this newspaper and may be examined without charge or obtained for a charge no greater than the cost thereof.  The Ordinance can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website (

Transient Dwellings Ordinance Exhibit A 01 07 2025

NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Adams Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania will hold a public hearing on the 10th day of February, 2025 at 7:00 P.M.  in the Adams Township Municipal Building located at 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046.  The Board of Supervisors will, at its regular meeting also at 7:00 P.M., consider adopting a Resolution regarding the Application and Request of SPBW, LLC. seeking approval of an intermunicipal transfer of a Restaurant Liquor License (R- 7864) from 112 & 118-122 N. Main Street, Butler, PA 16001 to 1001 Aster Way, Mars (Adams Township), PA 16046.

The purpose of this public hearing is to receive comments and recommendations of interested individuals residing within the Township concerning the applicant’s intent to transfer the license into the Township and other relevant issues with regard to the proposed intermunicipal transfer of the Liquor License. A copy of the proposed Resolution that would approve the applicant’s application to transfer the liquor license as set forth above is available for inspection at no charge or copies may be made at the Township rate at the Township Municipal Building located at 690 Valencia Road, Mars, PA 16046,  from 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.  The Resolution can also be reviewed online at the Adams Township website ( and at the offices of this newspaper.

Liquor License From the City of Butler 01 15 2025 (003)


                                                                      Michael D. Gallagher, Solicitor

                                                                      Sean M. Gallagher, Solicitor

                                                                                    GALLAGHER LAW GROUP

                                                                      110 East Diamond Street, Suite 101

                                                                      Butler, PA 16001              

2025 Pavilion Rentals

Adams Township will open registration for 2025 pavilion rentals on Thursday January 2nd. In person reservations will be accepted at 7:30am, online registration will begin at 10:00am. You must have an account in our Recdesk portal to be able to reserve a pavilion. If you haven’t yet, take a minute and log onto the portal to create a member account for you and your family. Once you are signed up you will be able to stay up to date on everything that is offered through our Parks and Recreation Department. 

Winter Lights in the Park

Adams Township Community Park will have their annual winter light displays up in the park from December 13th to January 13th. There are lights and animations throughout the park, as well as Santa’s mailbox to the north pole at the Municipal Building. This yearly tradition is sponsored by Nextier Bank.

Planning Commission Opening

Adams Township is presently accepting cover letters from anyone living in the township that would be interested in serving on the Planning Commission. Planners meet on the first Wednesday of every month and must also be available on the 3rd Monday of each month when necessary. Please send your cover letter to Gary Peaco at

You must be a resident of Adams Township to apply.

NFIP Program

FEMA has a tool that a homeowner or business owner can populate all information regarding their home or business and immediately receive a quote for flood insurance. 

D2C Quote Tool by FEMA 

Part Time Winter Maintenance Position Available

Adams Township Public Works is seeking applicants for a part time winter maintenance position. CDL License preferred, but not required. Applications can be submitted in person at the Adams Township Municipal Building, or emailed to

Click here for application and to see all current employment opportunities 

2024 Municipality Guide

Municipal Publishing, LLC is proud to present the 2024 Pennsylvania Municipal Guide.

2024 Guide 

Celebrating 41 years of Service

Last week we celebrated Mr. Edward Vogel Sr.’s 41 years of service on the Adams Township Board of Supervisors. Mr. Vogel received honors from both Representative Stephenie Scialabba’s office as well as Senator Elder Vogels Office. As a sign of appreciation for Edwards many years of service, the Board of Supervisors has decided to rename the schoolhouse at Adams Township Community Park the Edward L Vogel Sr. School house. We are so grateful for his many years on the board and look forward to building on all of that hard work for years to come.

PA DEP Radon Test Kits

The PA DEP, Radon Division in cooperation with the American Lung Association is offering an opportunity for residents to receive valuable health related information and a free radon test kit. Click here to sign up.

PENNDOT District 10 Project

Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects

​The Route 228 Corridor Improvement Projects are aimed at updating the safety and efficiency of the route from its intersection with Route 8 to Route 19. The project includes multiple projects such as the Balls Bend Safety Improvement project and the Three Degree Road project.

Click here for more information on the 228 Corridor Improvement projects.

Memorandum of Understanding with ATTACC

This memorandum of understanding is to set forth the understanding and terms between Adams Township and the ATTACC with respect to the donation of real property by Adams Township to the ATTACC.

Memorandum of Understanding with ATTACC


Sign Up for Alerts

Adams Township has updated to the Rave Alert notification system. Rave Alert allows us to communicate any alerts needed through email, phone, or SMS messaging. Through this system you can select the type of messages and you would like to receive from us like weather, road closures, parks and recreation updates and more. If you have not been apart of our alert program you can sign up using the same link below. 

Log In/Sign Up – Smart911

Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance

The Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance is a grass-roots, volunteer group of individuals, groups and businesses that are concerned about issues in our local watershed that could affect water quality.  Since our inception in 1999, the CWA has been active in water testing, riparian buffer restoration, and educational activities throughout the watershed.  As time has passed, our group’s focus has shifted towards in-stream habitat improvement projects, primarily in the Sullivan Run and Thorn Creek sub-watersheds to date.  Partnering with numerous local, state, and federal groups has allowed the CWA to install over 125 instream habitat improvement devices, along with 3,000 feet of Large Woody Debris, to create model fish habitat and riparian areas to benefit all wildlife and water quality.  The last several years has seen the group undertake a large citizen science project, focused around the use of our stream improvements by stocked rainbow trout.  These results have been shared with numerous government agencies, as this is the first time a study of this magnitude has been conducted to document actual returns on the substantial investments in these projects.

CWA meetings are always open to the public, and we welcome new members with a concern for maintaining the health of our local waterways.  The next meeting of the Alliance will take place on Monday, October 16, 2023 at 6 PM at the Butler County Conservation District office.   Additional information is available at our website,, or by following us on Facebook at Connoquenessing Watershed Alliance.

Military Banner Program

Adams Township is proud to recognize the brave men and women who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces through the Military Banner Program.  We recognize their service and various commitment to our nation and our community through recognition with a banner hung in various locations throughout Adams Township to show our public expression of gratitude.

Banners will display the official military photo of the service person, as well as their name, rank and branch of the United States Armed Forces.

For questions regarding the Military Banner Program, please call 724-625-2221 or email
You can view our current military banners on our Troop Banner website here to see the service men and women from Adams Township who have or are proudly serving our Country.  The banners will be located throughout Adams Township and will be installed periodically throughout the year.

To submit applications, please visit our Application Form.  To participate in the program, fill out the application and include a good quality photograph electronically scanned at 600 dpi or higher.

We Accept Credit Cards

Adams Township offers the convenience of accepting MasterCard, Discover, American Express and Visa credit cards for General, Park and Police items through MuniciPAY.  This excludes Code Enforcement items. Credit cards can be taken in the office or over the phone.  Checks made payable to Adams Township and cash are also accepted.  Please note to bring exact amount owed if paying in cash.

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